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Guilty pleasures…you are not alone

Most of us have hobbies, interests, or self-care strategies that we might classify as a “guilty pleasure,” but here’s the thing: We don’t have to feel guilty for the things we like, that make us happy, or help us get through

Anjali The Brave

By Dr. Adjoa Smalls-Mantey and Dr. Maria Abraham This picture book is geared towards children 3–8 years of age. Readers take a trip with Anjali, a strong 6 year old girl, and her father as she goes to get her first COVID-19 vaccine

When your child is upset

It’s often hard to know how to comfort a child who is frightened, withdrawn or angry. Experts suggest that we:  • Listen with empathy. It is important for children to  know you are not judging them, and that you are there for

The ABC’s of selecting toys…

…made easier with monthly subscription toy boxes A Consider the age of the child you are buying for and try to optimize your selection by keeping their development stage in mind. B Select toys of different colours, shapes and

My two sons

By Kim Faber Some people have the chance to raise a boy and a girl – which gives them two very different parental experiences. I have been blessed with two awesome sons and luckily, I have been able to have two diverse experiences as

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