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Today’s Kids In Motion: Upfront

Today's Kid's in Motion offers the latest news tidbits for parents and caregivers.

Tips and News for Parents and Caregivers

Teacher knows best?

The dreaded parent teacher interview is here. To get the most out of your time together keep the focus on your child’s traits, needs and learning, plan by asking:
May I tell you about my child?
How is my child doing socially and emotionally?
In what areas does my child need improvement?
What do you think my child is good at?
Have you read the IEP?
Can you tell me about your teaching method?
Is there anything I can do at home to help?

Organization in 1-2-3

For many kids, staying on task can be a challenge, try these three steps:
1) Getting organized means getting where you need to be and gathering the supplies needed.
2) Staying focused means sticking with the task and saying “no” to distractions.
3) Getting it done means finishing up, checking work and finishing touches like remembering to put a homework paper in the right folder and putting it in the right bag for the next day.  Once kids know these steps and how to apply them, they can start tackling tasks more independently and confidently, with increasing consistency and efficiency.

Turkey and apple meatballs

An easy recipe to cook together. Serves five.
1 lb extra lean ground turkey
1 cup dry breadcrumbs
1 cup apple, peeled and grated
1 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp black pepper

Preheat oven to 200º C.
Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Mix all the ingredients well.
Divide the mixture into about 15 meatballs, just smaller than a golf ball, and place in rows on the baking sheet.
Cook for 15 minutes. Flip them over and cook for an additional 10 minutes or until they are no longer pink inside.
Serve with applesauce or over noodles or whole grain rice.

Science matters

Families who explore together nurture great young scientists! With this in mind, here’s some helpful ways to get your young ones keen.
1. Lead family discussions. Ask “What would happen if …?” questions and encourage them to be inquisitive.
2. Encourage girls and boys equally. Be aware that all kids need to be exposed to a variety of subjects at a very early age.
3. Do science together.Simple exercises of investigating and experimenting, done together in the home, can bolster what your child is learning in the classroom.
4. Connect science with a family vacation or weekend outing.It could be a naturewalk through parts of the forest, a trip where you explore the bounty of the sea or a discussion on tides during a beach vacation. Many public parks and towns have gone to great lengths to make docks accessible, paths to accommodate wheelchairs, and outdoor spaces and museum/exhibit venues more inclusive.
5. Participate in your child’s school science program.Find local scientists and other experts to be guest speakers, or accompany your child on a field trip to a science-related place.

Math anxiety

While working with numbers can be fun for some kids, math concepts can lead to anxiety. Reduce stress by:
• Playing “math” games.
• Downplay that some are not good at math. This is especially important for girls, who may feel that boys are better at math.
• Practice whenever you can squeeze in the time.
• Catch struggles early by making sure your child understands the material.
• Shake off mistakes by assuring them that they are learning opportunities.

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