Color & Control:


Transition strategies

The need to move quickly between activities can cause meltdown madness. Experts suggest using a visual schedule. Visit for a guide. Here are some of their ideas/rec.

  1. Make a “stay at home” chart and an “at school” chart for your wall to help with planning.
  2. Use simple pictures on movable cards.
  3. Have vague timeslots—one for play, one for a simple craft, one for television time, one for mealtime.
  4. Be ready to adjust and add new images as needed.
  5. To show that a task has finished, simply flip the card over.
  6. Try “first, then” charts to get children to do essential tasks: First, eat lunch—then play.

Rock-a-bye baby

If you’re having a hard time getting your baby to sleep, these tips may help:

  • Keep the room cooler.
  • Check to make sure your routine is consistent.
  • Make sure they’ve got a full tummy, which will help them sleep more soundly.
  • Babies are used to a constant hum of noise. Consider using a white noise machine.
  • Your smell is comforting. Try giving them something of yours.

Living with a fussy eater?

Irregular or problem eating can arise for an assortment of reasons, including: sensory processing, food intolerances, medications and gastrointestinal complications. Improving mealtimes at home and school can be done by:

  1. Creating a quiet, distraction-free environment that consistently models proper eating habits.
  2. Offering healthy edible reinforcers such as dried fruit, rather than candy or sweets.
  3. Engaging in eating as a dynamic process by asking questions about the food and letting kids eat with their hands.
  4. Using reward schedules to encourage children to eat meals or try new foods.
  5. Expanding your child’s food repertoire by adding new items of the same colour as the ones they like.
  6. Adding extra veg such as mashed cauliflower to familiar mashed potato.

Source: Connie MacIntosh

How to end a power struggle

  • Create a game out of it: “Let’s see who can put their toys away the fastest!”
  • Use humour: “Here comes the tickle monster for all the children in the house!”
  • Use 10 words: Less is more when giving kids instructions for expected behaviour and activities.
  • Hug it out: Hugs create closeness and trust which often leads to cooperation.

12 Hugs a day

Strengthening your relationship for better connections with your child can be done through regular physical connections. Take time to slow down and:

  • Look them in the eye and smile.
  • Tell them the silliest part of your day.
  • Go to the park and read a book with them.
  • Hold hands and say, “I love you.”
  • Ask them to teach you how to do something.
  • Make time for one on one togetherness.

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