In Brandy Ferner’s upcoming novel, “Adult Conversation,” two burned-out moms escape for a short respite from the crumbling marriages and endless requests that define their everyday lives. It’s a practice that Ferner, a mother to a six- year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy, understands well: She’s been going on so-called “momcations” with a fellow mom friend since her daughter was born.
Three or four times a year, they check into a hotel and spend a long weekend in their pyjamas, ordering room service and bingeing on reality television. It’s an escape, Ferner said, that to the childless might seem underwhelming.
“It’s so basic—people who don’t have kids live this life every night,”
she said. “But I don’t need a massage or fancy dinner. I just need no one touching me while I lay horizontal and binge on TV.”
She isn’t alone. If you look on Instagram, the momcation is on the rise: #momcation appears in more than 52,000 posts. Now hotels and tour operators are attempting to cash in on the trend, rolling out packages targeted and designed for the exhausted mother.
Most targeted momcations come with a steep price tag, which makes them out of reach for many caregivers. But for those who can afford it, a variety of packages are now on the market.
Source: Chicago Tribune. Read full article.