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Today’s Kids In Motion: Upfront

Today's Kid's in Motion offers the latest news tidbits for parents and caregivers.

Detention time replaced with meditation time

Delinquent students at one school are no longer punished by spending after school hours counting down the minutes in a bleak detention room. Instead, the school has implemented a Holistic Me after-school program that uses that time proactively – with activities like yoga, mindfulness and meditation to teach students how to manage their emotions. Since the launch of the program in 2014, the Baltimore school has reported zero suspensions.
Source: Looking Further With Ford – 2017 Trends

The ABCs of feeding your picky toddler

A) Eat together. This helps kids learn healthy habits, table manners and how to use utensils.
B) Offer 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day. Avoid “grazing”.
C) Seat your child securely in a high chair or booster seat
for meals and snacks. Keep distractions like cellphones,
TV and toys away to help focus on eating.
D) Avoid pressure, praise, rewards, tricks or punishment. Don’t be discouraged. Sometimes it can take 8-10 tastes before a child likes a new food.
E) Grow, pick, cook and shop for food together.

10 ways to discipline

With positive parenting, it’s helpful to know why controlling kids is not the most effective parenting strategy.
D – is for ‘distracting’
I – is for ‘investigating’ needs and feelings
S – is for ‘structuring’ the environment
C – is for ‘consistency’
I – is for ‘instructing’
P – is for ‘playing’ & connecting
L –  is for ‘limits’
I –  is for ‘ignoring’ (for some annoying attention-seeking behaviours) N – is for ‘noticing’ positive behaviour
E – is for ‘excusing’ self or the child (a ‘time-out’ for yourself or ‘time-in’ with your child)

Reading aloud

It’s important for parents to read with the kids and to the kids, through elementary and beyond. Even when kids are able to read independently, there are benefits to reading out loud. The first is academic. Adults can share comprehension and vocabulary tips. Second: It’s great family bonding time. Finally, there are motivational benefits  kids will become more confident to read on their own.

Early brain growth

During the first month of life, the number of synapses (connections) in a baby’s brain dramatically increases from 50 trillion to 1 quadrillion. If their little bodies grew at the same rate, their weights would increase from 8.5 pounds at birth to 170 pounds at one month old.

Lovin’ veggie smoothies

Carrot Orange Smoothies
Prep time: 5 minutes
32 ounces, or 4 8-ounce servings Ingredients:
• 1 cup peeled, chopped carrots
• 1 orange, peeled and chopped
• 1 frozen banana, chopped
• 1 cup ice
• 1 cup orange juice

Layer the ice, banana chunks, orange segments, and carrots in the blender, add the orange juice, and blend until smooth.

Are you a playful parent?

• Master the super silly face response. Perfect response for a tired kid.
• Bring play into the every day. When in doubt, make it a game!
• Appreciate humour. Never underestimate the power of laughter. 
• Make family traditions from everyday situations. BOOM, new tradition!
• Understand that Fun=Connection.
• Share beauty. Be spontaneous and live life to its fullest.

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