Color & Control:

I Made My Son Cannabis Cookies

I’ve listened to parents’ stories of their youngster’s behaviour: violent rages, exploding aggression, anger, crippling anxiety, symptoms or Tourette’s and more.

I’ve listened to parents’ stories of their youngster’s behaviour: violent rages, exploding aggression, anger, crippling anxiety symptoms or Tourette’s and more. They speak of their overwhelming need to cope with the child’s harmful behaviours, the stress of having to live on a daily basis with the fear, turmoil and sadness of watching a child in pain.

A few days ago, after a discussion with yet another friend who has had good results with cannabis, I came across a compelling piece in the Washington Post’s opinion section that says it all. The title of the piece, aptly named, “I made my son cannabis cookies,” was written by Marie Myong-Ok Lee and tells of her experiments with ingredients like Bubba Kush, white window, AK-47 — all strains of cannabis that she stored and mixed with glycerin in meticulously labeled jars. She goes on to talk about how her nine-year-old son’s behaviour changed when she finally figured out the right recipe. “I realize that some people may look askance at parents who keep pot in the house, let alone conduct semi-legal medical experiments on their children. But, it’s time we re-examine the cultural and legal restrictions we put on cannabis, especially as it pertains to kids. My son’s life has changed because of it.”

Caroline Tapp-McDougall
Editor, Today’s Kids in Motion

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