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In Discussion With…

A feedback specialist is someone who connects with kids and youth to learn about their experiences at Holland Bloorview and how we can better that experience.

In discussion with feedback specialist, Cliff Lee

Q) What exactly is a feedback specialist?

A feedback specialist is someone who connects with kids and youth to learn about their experiences at Holland Bloorview and how we can better that experience. We ask about several key quality dimensions such as safety, access, communication, and effectiveness. The role of the feedback specialist is to build rapport with survey participants, ensure they feel comfortable providing open and honest feedback, and then ask specific questions about their experience through a validated survey.

Q) You first came to Holland Bloorview as a 7-year-old for a brain injury following a schoolyard accident. Can you tell us a bit about your experience as a former client?

I first came to Holland Bloorview as an inpatient, where I had to be away from my parents for the first time. At just seven years old, this was very scary. Luckily though, my parents came to visit often, and my health care team was very supportive in every way possible. During my stay I also met friends who I was able to share experiences with, and this helped my rehab process tremendously.

Q) Now you’ve returned after studying psychology at the University of Toronto. What do you think you’ve learned?

In my study of psychology, one area of that intrigued me was personality, specifically the study of individual differences. I was intrigued by how different people adapt to challenges, and the factors that contribute to their resiliency. In turn, this caused me to often reflect on my own lived experience and challenges, which of course included how much Holland Bloorview has helped me in my rehab process. I want to make a difference in improving patient experience through my personal experiences and studies in psychology.

Q) You’re planning to do 100 interviews with kids?

The importance of getting kids’ feedback goes back to the reason why we have Kids Feedback Month. We chatted with our kids and youth as part of the development of the annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) at Holland Bloorview, their feedback was so rich that the team decided to implement a Kids Feedback Month to hear more. The hospital has many ways of hearing back from our clients and families, but this initiative made us realize that there is more we can do to hear directly from our kids.

Q) How do you think the results of your surveys will be used?

The purpose of Holland Bloorview’s quality improvement initiative is to identify and learn about kids’ experiences with health services pertaining to safety, communication, transition, access, and effectiveness. Using the data obtained from our feedback interviews, we hope to identify areas for improvement and measures we can implement to make Holland Bloorview an even better place for our kids and families, ensure they receive the best possible care, and have the most meaningful futures.

Cliff Lee is the Kids Feedback Specialist at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.

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